Who is Carrying your Baggage?
You're walking thru the airport at a high rate of speed!! Similar to that blowout you hear from a car but perhaps worse...your luggage wheel has a blow out...clump clump clump
Often times in life we make the statement, man that person has a lot of baggage! If you live long enough that statement holds true with just about anyone! It also holds true that if your baggage gets to heavy or you’ve been carrying it to long the wheels of your “luggage” can come off.
I’m going to categorize the baggage into 3 types.
Emotional Baggage- This baggage often rears its ugly head when someone has experienced something that traumatized or hurt them in the past. This baggage won’t fit in your carry on.
Everyone else’s baggage- This baggage shows itself when you are someone that wants to carry someone else’s as well as your own. It’s like picking up the wrong bag at baggage claim. It looks like yours yet it’s not.
There could be a million dollars in this bag. It could also be a bomb.
Future Baggage- This baggage is the what you carry based on your past. You use it to predict your future. This is the bag that you weighed three times before you got to the airport to make sure it’s under the 50lb charge you extra weight.
While all of these bags are heavy, today I want to focus on future baggage. I write based on my business and personal experience. While often you will find things real estate related….this one goes out to everybody!
Let’s get into story time..
I’m sitting in front of my computer ready to shoot a video about helping people in today’s current economic and Real Estate climate. The thoughts start racing..
a. Make sure to not say anything stupid- FB(Future Baggage)
b. Will people even listen or care? This is just silly, I’m terrible at video- FB
c. The last time I put myself out there like this I got tons of compliments, yet that one guy, Jack Ascenine told me I look stupid in the comments. I can’t remember what everyone else said yet that Jack A..he knows his stuff-FB and EB
d. Is everything perfect? The lighting, the script, the subject, the camera, the background, and the audio. You know because everything I put out should be hollywood grade vs from the heart. FB
Can you relate? I can. The thing is most of the baggage we carry… IT IS BY CHOICE. Life is a journey riddled with ups and downs. I have never learned or developed at a rapid rate during the ups. I have experienced things that would be considered emotional, future, and everyone else’s baggage. Often times I try to carry more and more when things are challenging. It’s exhausting!
The biggest thing is some see it as baggage, and some see it as part of a journey to where you belong. The tough experiences all leave dents, scars, and bruises. Often times hidden in all of these things are two shiny gifts, experience, and perspective. I have found that as you grow and God puts people in your life that need help, it’s great to have both. They allow you to identify with someones challenge, struggle, or pain, and speak to it at a level most can’t. That doesn’t sound very much like baggage to me. It does sound like tools to carry you forward, and even bring a few with you. All that is needed is a little sprinkle of how you perceive your “baggage”
The difference is some people carry it, some put it away for future experience, decisions, and guidance away from the wrong path. Next time you want to predict your future based on past baggage remember this- You have an amazing tool box of experiences. That tool box can be used to fix any broken wheel that slows you down on your way to the next destination. That way you don’t have to carry that baggage, you can just Roll With It.
No Chat GPT Needed
Sometimes, mine isn’t baggage…it’s straight up luggage. It’s a Samsonite, a Tumi and a TravelPro. I need a bellhop trolly to carry that ‘ish around. And sometimes that luggage is packed so tight, it bursts at the seems and stuff just pours out. Here’s what I’ve learned about the stuff that pours out. Sometimes it pours out on/in front of the wrong people. If they love you anyway, they the right people. Once it’s out, you realize it doesn’t serve you anymore. You let go. You let it go and travel lighter. You make room for the important stuff and the treasures. And can I just tell you…most of the greatest destinations don’t require much baggage at all…just a few MacGyver type tools that can get you anywhere you want to go. We can let the rest of that shtuff back with TSA.
Now that I’ve totally dated myself (ya’ll probably googling MacGyver right now) I’ll sign off with:
I loved the article. Tremendous insight.